An officer is ready to shoot at the woman in front of the children. From where he stands, he is not able to see the small baby behind her crying. I want you to ask yourself - would it even matter if he did? From what I’ve seen, it doesn’t seem like it would.
This painting was inspired by the protests that began after George Floyd’s death. The woman who wrote the poem in this piece was on the front lines of the protests, where police were using tear gas. Her strength reminded me of the female African warriors, known for being the best in Africa.
The boy with the mask symbolizes the frustration towards the police - the media fails to portray it. His eyes alone reveal the anger he feels as a young Black man. America has systematically oppressed its Black people to the point that African immigrants here see the difference between their identity and the identity of Black Americans. Black children do not feel like America’s children.
Non-Black Americans are unaware Black families also have structure and values. In our culture we believe that it takes a village to raise a child. This idea is represented by the woman surrounded by Black children from different parents. She is willing to protect them with her life because she considers them her own. We are willing to give up our lives for the children of our community.